Vantage is an Independent, Canadian Investment Manager Focused on Opportunities in the Small and Mid-Cap Equity Markets.
Vantage Manages Two Funds:
We manage capital on behalf of charities, pensions, foundations, institutional investors and accredited individual investors – both domestically and internationally.
Vantage is registered with the Ontario Securities Commission as a Portfolio Manager, Investment Fund Manager and Exempt Market Dealer.
How is Vantage Different?
The following three words capture the essence of Vantage Asset Management:
Boutique; Differentiated; Focused.
Vantage is a Boutique Investment Manager and We Intend to Stay This Way.
Vantage’s boutique nature allows us to effectively invest in small and mid-cap companies, a segment of the equity market we believe offers the greatest opportunities for fundamental, value-based managers.
Vantage’s focus on small and mid-cap companies is a key factor behind the firm’s success.
We are committed to open, accessible and transparent communication with our investors. Vantage’s boutique nature allows us to accomplish these objectives.
Vantage's Portfolios Look Entirely Different from Traditional Equity Funds and Indices.
We are true “active managers” and our funds reflect this – meaning the underlying investments look nothing like traditional equity funds or indices. Vantage is focused on investment opportunities which are misunderstood by the broader market. We invest in public companies where strategic or operational catalysts can unlock significant value for shareholders. Many of the target companies are not well understood or widely followed by traditional investment managers or brokerage firms. Given these overlooked opportunities can be difficult to find, Vantage’s portfolio tends to be fairly concentrated in 20-30 investments.
The structure of Vantage‘s Long/Short fund is very different from a traditional equity fund. The Long/Short fund is intended to protect (hedge) our investors from sharp movements in the broader equity market. As a result, the fund has generated its long-term return profile with lower risk metrics as compared to the broader equity indices.
Vantage’s Research Process is Extensive, Detailed and Focused.
In the asset management industry, there is no substitute for hard work. Vantage‘s research process is extensive, detailed and focused – variables which support well-informed decisions. The investment process is focused on regular communication with company management, board members, industry experts, competitors and sector analysts. Equity investments are inherently fluid by nature as information is continually changing – this means our research process is never complete.